Infographic: Influencer Marketing Statistics for SMEs

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This is an infographic created by SmallBizGenius.

In this day and age, creating a marketing campaign that stands out against competitors can definitely be difficult. But, with the online world already oversaturated, it is imperative for small businesses to step up and formulate a quality digital marketing strategy.

Influencer marketing is the way to do that. This marketing strategy allows brands to collaborate with “ordinary people,” as opposed to celebrities, in order to create powerful social media campaigns. In the past, brand endorsements were generally dominated by musicians, actors, and sports personalities, but the rise of social media influencers has shifted the focus.

Influencers are more trusted

The rise in influencer marketing has made ads and brand deals appear much more relatable, honest, and authentic. Young users all over the world are watching Youtubers, Bloggers, and Instagrammers, just like them, who share their daily lives with a global audience. These users are much more likely to put their trust in influencers rather than celebrities when deciding what products are reliable and affordable. In fact, 49% of users rely on influencer recommendations when making a purchase, especially in the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries.

Brands are seeing a significant increase in ROI

Statistics show that 65% of brands in 2015 used some form of influencer marketing. And by doing so, many of these companies experienced an improvement in their brand awareness. Influencers help companies cultivate a growing audience and loyal following. As these internet personalities grow in engagement with their followers, brands have a higher chance of conversion.

Compared to traditional forms of advertising, influencer marketing content delivers 11 times higher ROI.

Influencers help diversify your content feed

It’s important to keep in mind that your audience can lose interest if you don’t produce quality content.

That is why influencers play such a huge role in creating diversified content for your social media platforms. They can help you with product reviews, testimonials, video tutorials, and more that will consistently engage your target audience and position your brand as an authority in your niche.

Do you want to learn more about influencer marketing statistics and how it can significantly boost your digital strategy? The infographic below, created by the clever folks at SmallBizGenius, will help you every step of the way.


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