Top Ten Christmas Adverts 2020

Top Ten Christmas Adverts 2020.jpg

Like most people, we love seeing what clever and creative things brands come up with for their annual Christmas advert. Over the years it has become a staple part of the festive season with companies like John Lewis, Aldi and McDonalds, competing to have the most feel-good, heartfelt ad campaign of the year. With everything that has happened in 2020, it can be hard to strike the right balance – do we hammer home what a terrible year it has been or, do we ignore it completely? I think all of the ads this year have done an incredible job of bringing to light what is most important at this time, some with subtle nods to our unusual situation and others just focusing on those Christmas warms and fuzzies! Here is our top ten countdown.

10. TK Maxx

TK Maxx chose an advert that is well, absolutely bonkers but in the sweetest way possible. Here is a good example of the ‘subtle nod’ but in a very comedic fashion. You basically have a farmer deciding to kit his goat out in designer goods because she’s ‘had such a hard year’. It’s ridiculously adorable and we love it!

After the year we've had, everyone deserves to feel special this season. And that includes everyone in our lives, even pet goats. Join our Lil' Goat as she s...

9. Very

Not a typical brand to reach a Christmas Advert listicle but this year they did something quite fun and special. In a sense they are making fun of the other usual Christmas ads that can create an unrealistic idea of the season. Instead, they focus on those little things that don’t go to plan or you kiddies homemade decs not quite fitting with the stylish look you wanted. It’s relatable and is a bit of a giggle. Well done Very.

Christmas is full of amazing moments. Christmas is this Very moment. Life is this Very moment. Click here to subscribe: stock...

8. Disney

Of course, we have to include the experts at tugging the old heart strings. Disney’s Christmas advert is like a short film and it is nothing short of magical. We meet Lola sharing longstanding Filipino traditions with her granddaughter. It is a stunning story and told so well in such a short time, a Disney specialty. There is another subtle nod here to Lola being a nurse and we can’t help but hope that is Disney’s way of reminding us how hard they have been working this year and how much gratitude we owe them.

We are proud to reveal Disney's Xmas advert, a heart-warming story #FromOurFamilyToYours. While times change and people grow, beloved family traditions make ...

7. Tesco

 Next on this emotional rollercoaster ride is something that will surely lift your spirits. We adore Tesco’s concept of there being no naughty list this year. We know we can’t be perfect all the time but after the trials we have faced in 2020 we all deserve a little extra slack than normal. Stop feeling bad about that dodgy hair cut you gave to your other half or that you didn’t do every school lesson, just enjoy the season! We also loved the diversity of characters in the advert and the mention of our nation’s hero Captain Tom!

After a year like this, we believe there is no naughty list. So go on Britain, treat yourself to the best Christmas ever. #TescoNoNaughtyList

6. Sainsburys

Sainsburys outdid themselves with not one but three Christmas adverts that really hit home. They consist of phone calls recorded over home video style footage, though it seems a little scripted, there is an underlying feeling of hope and longing for a typical Christmas. It almost feels like the characters are describing what was because they worry it won’t be the same this year. But in the end you sense they will persevere and make it work no matter what, a bit like we have all had to do this year. Here our favourite of the three.

Introducing Gravy Song, the first of our three Christmas ads. Now we can't stop thinking about gravy. Or singing about gravy! 🍴🏠🌟Food is home. Home is Chr...

5. Amazon

We have to commend Amazon on not shying away from the really difficult side of what we faced this year, the everyday lives that have been affected and the many sacrifices we have had to make. I think everyone had their own version of the cancelled dance recital. And many will have had loved ones around them that said no, the show must go on! It’s a wonderful depiction of support and dedication to your passions and it was shot magnificently. Emotions were felt, tears were shed. Beautiful.

This is the story of a young dancer whose spirit and tenacity triumphs through the challenges of 2020. All with a little help from her family and community.

4. John Lewis

Surprisingly John Lewis didn’t make top billing on our list, but they still knocked it out of the park! Their pay it forward concept was a perfect sentiment for this Christmas and a great way to reflect the resilience and togetherness the nation has shown throughout the year. Give a Little Love is also part of a much larger campaign that raised £4m for two charities: FareShare, which helps those facing food poverty, and Home-Start, which works with parents who need support. They also championed British talent using Kingston University Illustration graduates to contribute to the scenes, as well as industry experts to create the stop motion vignettes.

Waitrose and John Lewis have unveiled their Christmas advert for 2020, inspired by acts of kindness by the public during the pandemic. The advert encourages ...

3. McDonald’s

Another amazing animated short, McDonald’s ‘Inner Child’ advert is just adorable. It’s a relatable Christmas scene with a stroppy teenager that no longer wants to be involved in mum’s silly festive antics. There really isn’t much else to say, they really hit the mark and it is pure and heart-warming and will make you want to call your mum and tell her ‘I love you’! If you can please do, mums are the best.

Are you #ReindeerReady?10p from every download of @Becky Hill Official's beautiful rendition of Forever Young will go to FareShare UK - download it here: htt...

2. SuperValu

This might be a bit more obscure for the UK viewers but as an Irish native I wanted to include it – I may be slightly biased giving it second billing but it’s a top contender. SuperValu is an Irish supermarket, and they offered a wonderful ad with the sweetest twist at the end. No spoilers! Just watch and enjoy. It again offers that feeling of hope, especially in young children, that Christmas can be same as it always was.

1. Coca Cola

And the winner is… Really it’s a no-brainer, given it was directed by none other than Oscar-winning director Taika Waititi famed for directing Thor Ragnarok and Jojo Rabbit. The two-and-a-half-minute advert takes you on an incredible journey of a father desperately trying to deliver his daughters letter to Santa in time for Christmas. It’s all a bit far fetched which is unsurprising given its Hollywood levels of action but that just adds to the fun and it has the most melt your heart moment at the end that will surely have you sobbing into your coke cans. Bravo! Encore!

This Christmas, give something only you can give.Be it in person, over an awkward video call, or just a quick message, making time for the ones you love is w...


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