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7 Recruitment Challenges Facing Every Small Business

As a recruiter, it is in your and the company’s best interest to stay abreast of the latest trends of the recruitment world. Recruiters have to be proactive to thrive, but the modern-day recruiter is now faced with a new set of recruitment challenges.

42% of recruiters worry they won’t find the right talent. 72.8% struggle to find relevant candidates. And 86% of qualified candidates that have applied for positions are not actively seeking a new job. Following the right recruitment process steps will help you overcome the set of challenges you have encountered.

 Here’s a look at 7 recruitment problems you have been facing as a Small Business Owner. 

1.  Competing with Bigger Companies

Tapping on the top talent is a major challenge small businesses face. With well-recognized brands and better benefits packages, bigger companies seem to have what it takes to attract and retain the right employees. However, small businesses are not far behind. They offer great growth potential that younger candidates desire, but just don’t market it right.

2.  Looking for Qualified Candidates

When trying to fill a position, some organizations may not spend time understanding the role. And descriptions are vague and poorly written. It creates a lot of room for misinterpretation. And when resumes start flooding in, an exciting new opportunity may turn into a never-ending chore. Organizations may unintentionally favor early applicants. But these are the same applicants that send out hundreds of resumes just to be employed.

3.  The Warm Body Syndrome

A lot of small businesses have to deal with the “warm body syndrome”.  It is a result of poor staffing and talent management plan. And candidates brought in are not cost-effective. And while it may not seem like a problem at first, bad hires may end up dragging your business down.

4.  No Experience with Talent Management

A lot of startups and small businesses lack first-hand experience with talent management. As a result, bad hires are welcomed aboard, while good candidates fritter away.

Talent management is a cost-effective way to optimize your organization’s performance. It improves your retention rate and your entire employee experience. Hiring skilled employees is key. Not only do they perform well, but they also will understand your company’s goals to help you boost your business’s performance.

5.  Lack of Skilled Candidates

Training is an important investment, for your new hires to stay abreast with the latest trends and understand your style of working. Knowledge coupled with the right skills boosts innovation and creativity within the team. Encourage bi-monthly learning sessions to allow employees to learn from one another and promote teamwork. Training sessions can also be scheduled that suits you and your employees’ schedules. 

6.  Offering a Competitive Salary

A major challenge small businesses and startups face is offering a competitive salary. To start off with, conduct meticulous research to determine average pay offered for various positions. While offering the highest pay is not necessary, compensating new hires with reasonably will help you retain quality candidates.

7.  Taking On Too Many Roles

As a small business owner, you and your staff may be required to take on multiple roles. It is important for you to ensure you hire a staff that can contribute in different ways to help your business grow. Invest in a recruiter who can look out for candidates from multiple backgrounds to help you meet your needs. 

Author Bio

Kelly Barcelos is a progressive digital marketing manager specializing in HR and is responsible for leading Jobsoid’s content and social media team. When Kelly is not building campaigns, she is busy creating content and preparing PR topics. She started with Jobsoid as a social media strategist and eventually took over the entire digital marketing team with her innovative approach and technical expertise.